3 Key Takeaways from the Learning@Work Conference
What a great few days at the Learning@Work conference this week.
Coming into it’s third year, the conference is one of Australia’s largest workplace learning conferences. There were some great speakers and we saw a focus towards social learning and new learning technologies. You can check out who was speaking on the Learn@Work website.
My 3 key takeaways from the conference are:
Self Directed Learning
Vivien Dale from Northwest TAFE did a wonderful talk on self directed learning, and their journey with 70:20:10. She shared how they are encouraging people to engage in self directed learning – I really loved that concept!
Using trends to make decisions
Laura Overton from Towards Maturity was a central feature of the conference. She had flown over from the UK to share news ahead of Towards Maturity’s latest benchmark launch, and it was a real eye opener to see how we can use analytics, figures and trends to shape our decisions in learning. Their benchmark results will be released on 5 November – join the live webinar to find out what this year’s top performing learning organisations can teach us about preparing for the future of learning. Over 600 L&D leaders from 49 countries contributed to this year’s study.
Great Conversations
I had some really great conversations with others about how they’re coping with the fast rate of change in business.
I captured some thoughts at the end of the conference on video – check it out below. Apologies in advance for the conference background noise!
You can also check out the Twitter backchannel from the conference here or search the backchannel #LearnatWorkAU.