Podcast – Making the Most of a Conference with Emma Weber and JD Dillon
Last month, I published my Top 6 Learning, Development and HR Podcasts 2019. Top of my list is Learning Uncut from our dear friends Michelle Ockers, Karen Maloney and Amanda Ashby. I was lucky enough to be their first returning guest, and the podcast we recently recorded with JD Dillon all about Learning Conference is now available.
Part of the discussion is around conferences themselves – I fully concur with the Learning Uncut team view that conferences are a substantial investment of time and money, but they can be extremely valuable for professional development. JD and I have very different views as to how to make the most of them, so it was great to share ideas and views on conferences in general.
I’d certainly encourage people to start speaking at conferences and sharing your stories. The recording includes some tips for preparing conference submissions to help get you started. Do check out the resources too that the team have shared in the podcast – it’s a wealth of information.
Thanks to the Learning Uncut team for inviting me to be part of the podcast and to JD Dillion for being a co-conspirator.
Enjoy listening.
Making the Most of a Conference – Emma Weber and JD Dillon
You can view/download the transcript here.
Here’s to the 2020 conference calendar!
Hosts: Karen Moloney & Michelle Ockers
Producer: Amanda Ashby
Guest: Emma Weber & JD Dillon