The Top Highlights from AITD 2018
Hats off to the AITD 2018 team for creating an action packed national conference last week and curating some really interesting themes. It was great be a part of the learning and share a case study of our work with Calvary Community Care in creating an internal learning transfer team. I’ve recorded a short video below with all the news from the conference in Sydney, Australia. In the excitement of it all I have somewhat lost my voice but I was still keen to get the conference news out there so bear with me and enjoy the husky tone…
Here are some further links if you’re interested in digging deeper into the speakers or resources featured in my top highlights from AITD 2018:
1. Julie Dirksen – who was talking about myths of memory and retention.
2. Professor Adam Gazzaley – from the University of California – who was talking about cognitive neuroscience and the processing ability of our brain.
3. Jason Laufer from Linkedin Learning – who was talking about having a silent disco for learning once a week where people can follow their own learning pathway.
4. Jacqueline Menyhart from Ambulance NSW – referenced a resource called the My Interest Now for Engagement (MINE) software from Dr Robert Ely and how he measures behavioural change.
5. Sandra Lammas from the University of Southern Queensland – who was talking about the “Talk Nerdy to Me” concept her and her IT team have put together – email ITResources@usq.edu.au for their generous resources.
6. Shannon Tipton – who was busting micro learning myths.
7. Marcia Ryan from Wellbeing Works – who was speaking about the intentional practice of creating high quality interactions.
8. Renetta Alexander from BNZ – who was talking about tools from business that we can use in learning, take a look at Strategyzer.
And finally – I forgot to mention it in video but of course another highlight was Arun Pradhan from Learn2Learn and Deakin Prime. He was giving us strategies for preparing for the robot apocalypse – his Learn2Learn models are so rich in ideas and are very well researched.
All in all a pretty epic two days full of learning and connection – thank you to the team at AITD for all your hard work and all the speakers for their generous sharing. Now time to turn our conference learning into action!
(Pssst! f you need any help turning conference learning into action then check out this blog – it’s an oldie but a goodie! 5 Ways to Get More Out Of Attending Conferences)