Webinar: Data Analytics for Learning Professionals with Dr. Stella Webinar: Data Analytics for Learning Professionals with Dr. Stella
Data Analytics for Learning Professionals

Webinar: Data Analytics for Learning Professionals with Dr. Stella

Early this month, I had an opportunity to guest Dr. Stella Lee of Paradox Learning in the first in a series of conversations with learning thought leaders, and we had a fascinating conversation about Data Analytics for Learning Professionals. Stella has over 20 years of experience in consulting on digital learning initiatives in various sectors. Her main focus right now is on designing and analyzing enterprise-wide learning management systems (LMS), digital ethics for learning, using AI in education, and designing, evaluating, and analyzing learning.

The conversation revolved around:

What does learning analytics exactly mean?
Why is it such a hot topic now?
Why is it challenging to measure in the field of learning and development?”
What are some challenges affecting learning analytics in terms of the ever-changing policies about data privacy, ethics, and governance?

If you want to delve deeper into learning analytics, Stella is having a mini-course at the Learning and Development Accelerator (LDA) Conference next month – so you won’t want to miss it.

You can listen to the full session here.

Data Analytics for Learning Professionals

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