What I’m working on with my coach in 2016
Ok so I know EVERYONE is writing articles about New Years resolutions, but it’s natural, right?!
A natural time to sit back and reflect as the year rolls from 2015 to 2016.
I wonder how many of you may have already started and failed at your new years resolutions? Never give up! Remember, any Monday or every morning can be a fresh start.
One of my favourite resolution articles this year was in Forbes magazine from Rich Winley: Goal Setting – 3 Ways to Make Resolutions Stick.
Winley suggests these 3 methods to make resolutions stick.
- Sacrifice: Ask Yourself Why
- No Pain, No Gain
- Hard Work = Measurable Progress = Results
While it may not be new and shiny advice, much of it rings true.
I’ve been working with my coach today, thinking about where I want to be by the end of 2016. I considered what that goal might look like, and how I will know if I’ve met my goals.
Too often I fall into the trap of setting the short term, quarterly goals that are the logical next step from where I am now. Today though, I’m being challenged to think bigger. I encourage you to do the same.
Where will you be at the end of the year? What difference will your learning initiatives have made to your organisation? Dream big and bold for the year.
Wishing you every success.