Turning Learning into Action
A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of LearningTurning Learning into Action
A proven methodology for effective transfer of learning
This book presents Turning Learning into Action™ (TLA), a new, step by step methodology that provides a proven solution to the problem of unsuccessful learning transfer.TLA will show trainers, buyers of training and L&D professionals how to take training to the next level and achieve the ultimate business results required in 3 steps.
- 1 - The Learning Transfer Challenge
- 2 - The Learning Transfer Solution
- 3 - Making Learning Transfer Happen
L&D professionals often feel that robust learning transfer is too expensive, too hard, or can’t be measured anyway. Meeting the learning transfer challenge isn’t helped by the fact that one of the key metrics of evaluating an L&D team is ‘training days delivered’ – which is a metric that can be satisfied regardless of whether that learning is ever actually implemented back in the work place.
Emma takes a close look at all the key challenges faced by L&D professionals, managers, trainers and participants – and offers solutions for overcoming them.
Over 11 years, working with organisations such as BMW, Electrolux, Apple, Cisco and more, Emma developed the Turning Learning into Action methodology and proved that training with coaching potentially achieves an 88 per cent learning transfer and a 400 per cent increase in training effectiveness. The TLA process has three essential stages to create a robust learning transfer strategy:
CEOs are now waking up to realise that they don’t care how many people were trained, if those people enjoyed the course or even how much it cost. What they care about is the result and what participants did differently and how much that impacted the bottom line. They now recognise that the key to transformation and genuine training success is the measured application of a behavioural change process – transfer of learning. The time is now right for L&D professionals to clearly show their contribution to the bottom line of their organisation by making training bear real and measurable fruit back in the workplace.
TLA facilitates the leap to effective learning transfer – ensuring that knowledge and skills learned become knowledge and skills applied.
This book really opened up my eyes in regard to that holy grail we all seek to achieve, Successful Learning Transfer. I found Emma’s arguments to be very sound and her book offered a different perspective on how Learning and Development professionals can ensure that the change of behaviour we wish to achieve really can occur.
We really do often pass the Learning transfer off to the Managers (with the tools they can use to help make it a success) as this has been the historical view. I believe that Emma’s concept of having a greater emphasis on reflection, being more involved post training through focussed conversations and that the accountability of L and D does not just stop after their training event is over is worth greater consideration.
This is something we certainly will instigate in our organisation in addition to the Learning Transfer program we already have with our Managers.