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Implementation statistics

“American industries annually spend more than $100 billion on training… not more than 10% of the expenditure actually result in transfer to the job.” Baldwin and Ford 1988 page 63 Transfer of training: a review and directions for future research. Personnel Psychology, 41 (1) 63- 105. Reconfirmed by Ford and Weissbein, 1997 – Transfer of Training: an updated review and analysis.

Performance Improvement Quarterly10 (2) 22-41. “Most of the investment in organizational training …is wasted because of the knowledge and skills gained (well over 80% by some estimates) is not fully applied by these employees on the job” Broad and Newstrom, 1992, page IX  – Transfer of training: action packed strategies to ensure high payoff from training investments.

Resource Articles:

In 2010 McKinsey did a study into Learning Transfer and concluded that on average only 16% or learning is transferred back to the workplace. It is a really interesting article.
Read the full article here:
Looking specifically at online learning transfer Bersin and Associates have recently released research bulletin on Fort Hill’s Results Engine process.  I love the work of Fort Hill (see our partners below) and this is an illuminating report with some interesting case study information. Harold Stolovitch is one of the leaders in the learning field who looks at the wider context of training. You’ll find some book references below, or visit his website: Harold Stolovitch Website

These articles talk about using coaching as a transfer of training tool and also provide some statistics on the success of the work. (Turning Learning into Action sessions are 70% coaching and 30% learning methodologies).The relationship between distance coaching and the transfer of training. Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool. The evaluation and enhancement of training transfer, an article by J H Olsen Jnr, featured in the International Journal of Training and Development, is interesting, if a little hard going. You can obtain a copy from IngentaConnect.

Other resources:

If you are aware of other Learning Transfer resources that we have not included in our resource section then please email us and let us know – We are always learning too!

Associations for Learning Professionals:

We recommend considering joining the following organisations for sharing of ideas and resources (plus great conferences, resources and networking.) In Australia: AITD: Australian Institute of Learning and Development ILP: Institute of Learning Professionals Worldwide: ASTD: American Society of Learning and Development