With an increased emphasis on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the pressure is on trainers to make learning truly valuable. Successful learning is not just about good content and well-executed programs, but about finding ways to facilitate genuine behavioural change and accountability in the workplace.
That’s where we come in.
We believe in playing to our strengths and the strengths of those around us. We don’t deliver any training programs ourselves (with the exception of training people in learning transfer!) and solely provide learning transfer solutions. Over the last decade we have developed the Turning Learning into Action™ (TLA) methodology which facilitates the leap to effective learning transfer.
TLA is delivered through one-on-one conversations with the participant, at various intervals after the training course. It is proven and practical, and puts ‘reflection’ that is specific, structured and accountable at the heart of the learning transfer process.
There are three essential steps to the process:
Preparation – An action plan is developed at the end of training
Action – A 5-step process designed to hold individuals accountable to follow through on the action plan
Evaluation – Changed behaviours are observed, evaluated and collated by individuals and/or their managers
Whatever the content of your training program, we can tailor a suitable results-oriented support program to make sure knowledge and skills learned become knowledge and skills applied, ensuring effective transfer of training. We work in all areas of soft skills training across all organisational levels, including leadership, sales, negotiation, team building and front line manager development.
To work with us to gain results from your current programs, you don’t need to change your current learning providers or curriculum. We will work one on one with you to establish the behavioural outcomes and business results you need from your training and create bespoke packages designed to meet your particular needs, which will be delivered over the phone by our skilled team. We offer a flexible choice over the following variables:
- Action Planning
- Online or offline scheduling of conversations
- Number of Turning Learning into Action™ sessions
- Length of Turning Learning into Action™ sessions
- Manager involvement
- Evaluation dashboard
Many clients choose that we deliver the service in collaboration with them, but we can also train your Managers or Learning & Development team to deliver Turning Learning into Action™ sessions internally.

Our work is guaranteed to the complete satisfaction of the client. If the client is not completely satisfied with our learning transfer services, we will, at the client’s option, either waive professional fees, or accept a portion of those fees that reflects the client’s level of satisfaction.
Have more questions? Just Ask!
What makes training “stick” in organisations?
Traditionally making training stick referred to the level which people could remember the learning they had gained in a training room. Trainers were taught tools and techniques that made the learning sticky and more effective in the classroom, but rarely did they tackle what would enable the training to be effectively implemented. Big hint here – it’s way more than a participant just remembering it.
What is learning transfer?
The concept of learning transfer addresses the bigger picture of taking the learning from the classroom and transferring it back into the day-to-day role of the participant.
In short, learning transfer is a sustained behavioural change that happens after learning.
How do I ensure that employees use what they learn in training?
As a place to start, know that the change will happen over a period of time. It’s what happens over the first two weeks and subsequent two to three months that is important in terms of using what they learn.
The three core elements to success are:
- Learning specific action planning
- Structured reflective practices
- Accountability framework
A single element on it’s own won’t create the outcomes but combined together a significant level of change can be achieved.
Who is responsible for learning transfer in workplace training programs?
This is a hot topic and one we feel passionate about. Is it the facilitator, the learner or the manager of the learner? Where should the responsibility of the L&D function end and the ownership of the business start?
There is no one size fits all. An organisation’s culture and skills, and the resources and time available to the managers can influence the ownership dilemma.
Change can only ever been sustained and created by the participant, so learning driven outcomes are essential. But change post learning is hard, particularly for soft skills so we need to provide the support and environment that enable learning to implement and experiment.
Whatever the environment, it’s important for L&D professionals not to put it in the “too hard” basket. Only when L&D start to hold themselves accountable for driving change and business impact will learning receive the importance it deserves in organisations.
What are the most important success factors of learning transfer?
Having a structured methodology that enables the learning to be curious and creative in the way they implement and drive business outcomes from learning.
Avoid solutions that are driven with control, compliance or ticking the box as the focus.
What are the outcomes of effective learning transfer?
Business impact and change will be created through participants implementing what they have learnt on a training program.
For example, this can range from:
– increased bottom line sales
– improved regularity in one-on-one meetings
– improvement in communication with employees
It is all dependent on the learning initiative.