The 'F' Word In Learning Transfer - Lever - Transfer of Learning

Sorry to be crass but I just wanted to unearth the Learning Transfer ‘F’ Word that play such a vital role in successful Learning Transfer.

The ‘F’ Word we are going to consider here is Fear; and the role fear plays in Learning Transfer.

What do clients most fear about taking something from a learning environment and translating it back to the workplace?

  • Trying and failing
  • A change in routine
  • The risk of stuffing up in front of a customer/colleague
  • It working so well that it sheds light on past poor performance
  • Committing to doing something and going back to old habits
  • Not being able to replicate what they could do in the training environment
  • Doing things differently to other colleagues
  • Being seen as a ‘swot’.

…this list could go on and on and of course it’s different for everybody.

For some people fear and excitement feel so similar in the body that they don’t know what they feel! For others the fear can be so strong it can leave people paralysed and unable to move forward.

Whether the fear is to this level, or just a nagging that creates procrastination or conveniently  being ‘too busy’ to follow through, the best way to deal with it is to look at it, acknowledge what it’s really about, and rationalise the fear…

  • What’s the worst that can happen?
  • How realistic or likely is it?
  • Is this real or imagined fear?
  • Do I want this fear to control me?

 Remember, don’t be annoyed with yourself for being fearful – it’s generally an emotion generated to keep you safe from perceived harm. In ages past it may have been a bear that might want you for dinner but in this day and age it’s as likely to be a customer that’s laughing at you for tripping over your words.

Go easy on yourself; fear and Learning Transfer go hand in hand. Acknowledging it, and managing it is the key.

Go forth and be fearful!

Good Luck.