I’m involved in some really interesting collaborations at the moment and you’re welcome to join in too!

Elnet are hosting a four-part webinar series about Learning Transfer. Roy Pollock from Fort Hill ran the first session yesterday which was tremendously interesting. Did you know that in a recent survey of Senior Managers less than 25% of them felt Learning and Development contributed towards company goals – very confronting but as Roy said, “We need to know to be able to create change”.

I’m up next and in my session on March 27th you will learn:

  • The challenges and opportunities that Learning Transfer presents right now
  • The model Australian companies are using to solve the Learning Transfer Challenge
  • A case study from one ofAustralia’s premium Automotive Retailers
  • Quick wins for effective Action Planning

To register for the webinar click through here.

If you’d rather meet in person and connect with colleagues and peers I’ll be at the AITD conference in Sydney next month, April 18th / 19th. I’ve just finished recording a video trailer for my session: Closing the Learning Loop: Creating Learning Dashboards for Communicating Results that will be available on the AITD website soon. The conference has got a great line up of speakers and I’m looking forward to not only speaking but learning a great deal as well. You can register for the conference here
Finally, if you have time to venture further a field I’m representing Australia on a global learning transfer panel at the ASTD conference in Denver in early May.

Becky Peters and I are looking to get a strong Australian contingent together so if you are going or intend to go let us know and we can co-ordinate a meet up. Last year it was an amazing event and I personally found the connections and learning from the conference helped me take my business and work to a whole new level.