Learning Transfer Evaluation - the plot thickens - Lever - Transfer of Learning

As many of my readers will know, a close second to my obsession with creating change from training programs is the thorny question of how to measure change created by training.

I had a very interesting conversation with Hamish Brown from Concordia Worldwide last month. His colleagues in the UK have developed a tool for creating a comprehensive picture of exactly what is helping or hindering employees in applying the learning from training programs back in the work place.

I was impressed to find they cover the basics of training design and relevance, the work environment, employee attitudes, people interactions and more. This all seems to add up to a tool that could help pinpoint where exactly along the process learning transfer goes off the rails. Plus, it allows space to approach things differently and could be used to prepare the business case for investing in transfer of learning.

The issue of measuring intangible outcomes remains and I’d be interested to hear of any new innovations in the area. Pleaes feel free to share your comments.

I’ll keep you posted from this end.