A Coaching Approach in the Medical Field - Lever - Transfer of Learning

I seem to have a radar for seeing coaching approaches in situations around me–sometimes in areas I wouldn’t expect to see coaching.

I was in the UK Doctors waiting room recently and I saw the leaflet 10 things to ask myself before I see the doctor.

They included the following:

  • What do I want to get from this visit?
  • What is my priority for this visit?
  • What am I already doing to help myself?
  • What have I achieved since the last visit?  What is my goal?

The leaflet was distributed by the “Experts Patients Programme”–I love it!  The patient is treated as the expert in their own life, not the doctor.  It’s a mind shift, and it moves towards the principles that we use on a daily basis in Turning Learning into Action–TLA.