All by myself.... - Lever - Transfer of Learning

I attended a really unique training program this week where, although you are in a room with others you literally learn all by yourself! Cue Bridget Jones sound track in your mind….

It was strange and I’m still working out in my mind if it worked for me or not. About 15 other people were at the training. Some working in teams, some working solo. We each sat at desks working through a workbook, exercises, watching videos with head phones on and calling a facilitator over if we needed help. And of course the facilitators check in at various point of the sessions. I’ve committed to spending 3 hours every week for the next 8 weeks in this training environment.

What am I learning in this way you may ask? I’m learning how to systemise our business – the back office more than anything.
The jury is out right now if I like learning in this way but of course the bigger question will be what about the Learning Transfer?

Being an 8 week program you attend every week and take actions in between – although the first hurdle of the facilitator taking a copy of the action plan I committed too failed. I was briefed at the beginning of the sessions that I would need to take actions in between each week and that I would document these on an action list that a copy would go to the facilitator.

How often does this happen? We know what needs to happen with learning transfer – we have a plan to support the learning transfer but do we fully execute the plan in amongst the busyness of the the session.

What I am liking is that this company are trying a new format in learning and stretching the boundaries.  I’ll keep you posted as to how it unfolds and of course as I will be Turning My Learning into Action our clients and team will be seeing even smoother processes in our business soon.