The News on Workplace Learning in 2018

The News on Workplace Learning in 2018

I was excited to see that LinkedIn have released some new research surveying 4,000 professionals on the state of workplace learning in 2018. I was particularly interested in the top finding – that training for soft skills is the number 1 priority for talent...
A Transfer of Learning Horror Story

A Transfer of Learning Horror Story

I was chatting with a learning professional the other day having collaborated on a successful transfer of learning pilot for a Leadership program. They were looking into other areas our approach could add value. They were sharing details of a program for people new to...
Automation and The Future of Learning

Automation and The Future of Learning

“For 60% of jobs, 30% of the activities are automatable” Says Dominic Barton – global managing partner of consulting firm McKinsey and Company in a recent ABC article. The article revealed that six thousand employees are set to start leaving...