I was enticed to read an article on Peter Senge’s blog this week entitled ‘Learning from Apple’s Design Consultant’. I borrowed the title and the full article can be read here.
Essentially it is a review from BusinessWeek Magazine of an interesting book by Hartmut Esslinger ‘A Fine Line: How Design Strategies are Shaping the Future of Business’.

Esslinger owns the design consultancy ‘Frog‘ whose clients include Apple, Louis Vuitton, Disney and SAP.

His central argument is ‘Creative strategy offers clear benefits over the traditional supply-chain dominant approach to business’. The ‘how’ of this can be summarised as producing solutions designed from human beings rather than commodities.

‘All road lead to Rome’ was my immediate thought.
Whatever role we are in whether it’s transfer of training, design, strategy, sales, customer service or IT it’s all about the people.

Consider how you can focus more on the people aspect of your process or business – what do they, as individuals, need to get the best results?