I love Twitter!

That may surprise people. Especially if they know me well and know that I like personal connection; I never ‘Reply All’ to an email (why would EVERYONE want to know what I’m doing?), and I only check Facebook about once every 6 months.

Why then do I so love Twitter?

Because since my first Tweet 4 weeks ago I have learnt so much.

Accessing my Twitter page each day is like going into my own personal learning vault. It changes everyday with the people I admire sending me fresh information and insights. I never know quite what I will find. I can read as much or as little as I like and of course if it resonates with me I take the information away and put it into action, ensuring I complete the transfer of learning into something useful.

My favourite people to follow right now are:

@gihanperera – who is a Thought Leader on all things web based

@timferris – one of the world’s top learners for sure

@c4lph – Jane Hunt who is a learning and social media specialist

@TED-Tweets – ‘Ideas worth tweeting’

@rove1974 – who makes me laugh!

You’re welcome to follow me on Twitter…


You can join Twitter and then see a full list on my profile of exactly who I’m following:


As a top tip, you can follow and un-follow depending on what your topic of interest is at any point in time. I’m learning about blogging and social media at the moment and so am following many in that field. Likewise, I’m following learning specialists so I can keep up to date with key trends and issues.

Let me know if you’re twittering or have a twitter experience to share.