It’s not often I find myself in a Learning Transfer dilemma. Having worked in the field for almost 10 years I have pretty clear ideas of what works and what doesn’t but today I find myself being challenged…. and excited.

Congrats to the Kite team who have come up with a truly great concept… I think. Actually I’m sure it’s  truly great concept. I’m just not sure of the implications.

The Kite Foundation have an App / online based learning transfer tool designed for large program roll outs – what’s more it’s creating significant donations for every change that is put into place for charity. A charity that the corporation can nominate. It intrinsically links the ‘earning’ from the donation to following through with the actions you agree at the end of a training program. It’s connecting altruism and corporate social responsibility to behavioural change in a significant way.

I love the concept. I love the giving. I love that it’s a foundation which apart from a 10 pound license fee 100% of the ‘earned’ money goes to charity. I’m  intrigued to know how it works – does it get managers are participants talking more? Is it enough to give them a framework and a focus? Can bribery combined with altruism create sustained behavioural change?

Is a game changer emerging?

I’m setting out on a mission to talk to Robert Terry – Founder and Director of Kite to find out more.

To be continued…