Today’s blog post topic was due to be about the amazing TV series, Redesign my Brain, that has been screened in Australia this month about neuroplasticity and the power of the brain. It’s still on ABC iview if you are local and it’s a must see for anyone interested in change. Todd Samson discovers the power of practise and mindset as he is challenged to change his brain as an experiment.

Interesting, even fascinating as that series was something more important has emerged today.

1.5 million people have watched Brene’s Browns Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability.
I’m clearly behind the curve and if you haven’t seen it yet check out the video below.

And why am I so inspired by this? In a subsequent talk Brene Brown covers what happened AFTER her first TED talk. She talks about being asked to present at many companies – ironically though as they are making the arrangements they say – “just one thing – can you not mention shame and vulnerability please”. She then asks them what they would like her to talk about – topics of Creativity, Innovation and Change are the most requested. She boldly states that Vulnerability is the birthplace of Creativity, Innovation and Change.

What has this to do with Lever Learning and Learning Transfer? Why is this hitting my buttons? Well on an obvious level we all know that Learning Transfer is about Change. It’s about changing post learning. It sounds so simple. But if it’s so simple why doesn’t everyone do it. Learning from Brene Brown this week, I believe it’s because vulnerability isn’t so simple – especially in the work place.

Recently one of my clients has been asking us to work face to face rather than by the phone. Never. Not on my watch. And here’ the why – because vulnerability is birthplace of change and the phone supports people in being vulnerable. When my team are working with people over the phone and in many cases the participants haven’t met the coach – they are anonymous. The calls are confidential. No-one is listening. No-one is judging. And this creates the perfect space for vulnerability. The perfect environment for change.

This is what learning transfer is about.
To all the amazing clients we get to work with, and to my equally amazing team – thanks for trusting the process. 🙂