I was pondering the missing element of confidence and talent before my recent trip to Bali. (Excuse the holiday name drop – keen to keep it alive in my mind!)

I speak with many talented people who are confident in their abilities when they come back from training but a lack of awareness can really trip them up.

Part of the trend in learning seems to be shorter, info packed sessions – who coined the term lunch and learn I wonder? And these 1 hour or 1/2 day sessions can work but sometimes it takes longer to raise awareness. If a participant doesn’t have awareness as to what areas they have for development or where they can improve further something they are already great at it’s hard to maximise the learning transfer.

This awareness also needs to stretch to how the learning will be applied in their role. How often have we heard – my team, department or customers are different? Of course – self awareness is good, and refection can be a great tool in this but managers too can help the process by creating awareness by highlighting for team members where things could be done differently to get an even better result.

How is your awareness? Do you know what you could be doing differently to get an even better result? If not – ask someone!
Enjoy the discovery…..

Speaking of discovery – as a final holiday footnote… a gorgeous abandoned kitten discovered our villa in Bali and made herself quite at home. Honey, or Madu in Indonesian, is now officially adopted. How cute! She’s being looked after in Bali. I might need another trip soon. Watch this space 🙂

My new cat